Returns Policy

No Quibbles Guarantee

Our returns policy is simple!

Our “no quibbles” guarantee means that if for any reason you are unhappy with your purchase we will refund or replace it.

How do I return an item? Simply call us on 01786 834 894or email and we will issue you with a code that will enable us to process your return quickly and efficiently. Returns are usually processed upon the day of receipt. A refund will be made in the same form of payment that was used to make the initial purchase.

To help you return an item, we have developed some simple and easy to follow guidelines:
Faulty or incorrect item received: If you return an item because of an error on our part, or it is defective, we will happily refund or replace the item. Just give us a call on 01786 834 894 or email us : for defective items we may need to have it returned so that we can give it back to the winemaker who may want to run further test on it (no animals will be involved).
Please note, in all instances shall not be liable for incidental or consequential damages or expenses, including but not limited to lost profits or other economic or commercial losses. This warranty does not affect your statutory rights.
Complaints Procedure takes its relationships with customers very seriously, and we expend a great deal of effort ensuring that we keep you happy. We aim to reply to emails within one working day of receipt, whether they’re enquiries or, heaven forbid, complaints. If email is too impersonal, we encourage you to phone us on 01786 834 894, where we will be glad to help.

All your feedback is appreciated, although we prefer good news!

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